TNA Coaching Module 2: Basic Attacking Skills
This coaching clinic will equip coaches to teach basic attacking skills and movements to primary school and beginner secondary school players. Skills covered include straight lead, dodging, change of direction, front cut. The course instructor will also cover the concepts of spatial awareness and timing. The course will take place on Saturday, 14 May 2022, 8am to 10am at SCGS Indoor Courts. Course fees are $25 for NROC coaches (2 CCE hours claimable); free for current TNA coaches.
You may select more than one

After submitting your registration, please transfer your payment of $25 (current TNA coaches attend for free):


Paynow: UEN 53365444X The Kids Network

Bank Transfer: 314-307-639-1 UOB Current


Once completed, send a screenshot to Evangeline @ 8282 1280 to verify your payment.